Click Fraud Monitoring

Single Day Booking

Date: Wed 15 Jan 2025 Start Time: 08:00
Please arrive at least 30 minutes before the Start Time.
Course Name: Periodic CPC Module 2 (7 Hours)
Course Subject: Company and Public Image / Emergency Aid
Location: Virtual Classroom One

Booking Form

You are now booking onto one of our courses. There are no hidden costs at MJS Training; all of our prices include your upload fee and any administration charges. Your booking will only be confirmed once payment is made.

Price: £55

Periodic CPC Eligibility Check

Before booking, please ensure that you (or the driver if you are booking on behalf of somebody else) is eligible for the Driver Periodic CPC Course. A driver is only eligible if one of the following is true...
  • The driver holds acquired rights for the class of vehicle that they are doing the Periodic CPC Course to drive for hire or reward
  • The driver has completed an Initial CPC Course and holds a current or expired Driver Qualification Card
If you are unsure, please get in touch.

Let's get started...

Request a Callback...

Most of the information about our courses, availability, booking, location and what to bring can be found on our website. But if you still need more information, leave your number in the box below and we'll give you a call back.